Message to Republican Trump Supporters

Now is your hour of action.
  • Hold your candidate accountable to his promises.
  • Don’t chant “build this wall” like it’s a Queen lyric. Ask for the details and understand what this wall means to the local communities. Will it go through property lines? Highways? How was Mexico going to pay for it? They said they won’t.
  • Now that imports will be diminished and jobs returned to the US, I’m sure you’ll be eager to pay the higher costs for goods and services. You’ll be taking those jobs that the undocumented workers were doing. You’ll realize the blame is not on the migrant workers but the employers who preferred to pay them low wages or outsource to other countries. Your pizza will be made by a legal minimum wage employee. That is great! Prepare to pay 20-30% more now. 
  • Read up on NATO what would happen if US was apart from it. Would another country, like Russia, gain an advantage if US is out? Question this.
  • Speaking of which, you know deep down that Putin would hit on your wife if you left the room.
  • Pay attention to the Republicans in the House and Senate. Just because they’re all buddies now, they may try to get legislation through that is out of order. Just a reminder that the first act they tried to do in 2017 was to dispel the Ethics Committee.
  • Be concerned his family is so involved in policy and decision making. Would you have been comfortable if Barack announced that Michelle would be his special advisor, the role Trump's son in law Jared Kushner is taking? Michelle is a lawyer with lots of experience in different areas. She could've done that easily.
  • Final reminder that Trump is not an Emperor, and this is not a Trump Monarchy or Dynasty. He is now a government employee who must adhere to the same restrictions and expectations as his predecessors. Conflicts of interest and legal entanglements have not been cleared. Should we feel sorry for him that it's not fair for him to give up his global corporation? No, don't feel sorry. He knew this when he applied for the job that he would have to show his finances and cut any conflicts of interests. If he did not want to do this, he should not have gotten on that escalator.
Agree or disagree with my points. All, I can say it's your show now and he works for you for 4 years.
