They ask me why we march.
It’s over. Accept it. There’s nothing you can do.
So many presidencies, nothing changes.
life goes on.
By the way, don’t
wear black scarves on your head.
Tell your brother
to shave so he doesn’t look like a terrorist.
Tell your husband
not to create a fuss if his car is pulled over.
Why do we march?
We want our voices to be heard. We were 3 million plus votes
that were not counted
because we were
not part of that college.
We need our local representatives know we are here
and though we did not vote for them,
they are still our voice on the Hill.
Medicare covers some of this,
but not all of it.
Pharma companies offer you discounts if you qualify
until you don’t.
No Pre-existing conditions for insurance mean you qualify
until you don’t.
Do we spend our monthly checks on bills, pills or food?
That's a reason.
Must lives of women be controlled by
decisions made by men in suits
with special interest groups lining their pockets?
Must the 2nd amendment take precedence over the 1st
Will the press remain free?
Will our rights to our bodies or minds or gods be our own?
Will the whole Constitution be upheld?
Why do we march?
We need to find our people.
The ones that believe silence is acquiescence.
Apathy is acceptance.
Society atrophies.
Our people have it in our blood.
marched alongside Gandhi
Parents marched with MLK.
Living by a creed of purpose for causes
that endure for generations beyond our own.
And you’re right. Some things won’t change,
but other things will.
And that’s why we march.
Yeah, you ask why we march.
We ask, why aren’t you?
And you’re right. Some things won’t change,
but other things will.
Yeah, you ask why we march.
We ask why aren’t you?
- Ashini J. Desai January 20, 2017 #WhyIMarch
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